These are the standard terms and conditions for the Chittering Local Business Directory and apply to all users and those requesting a listing on the Business Directory website. By having a listing on Chittering local you are agreeing to the following:


Chittering Local acts as a business directory which only includes local businesses registered in the Shire of Chittering and / or based within the Shire of Chittering in one of the five shire localities; Muchea, Lower Chittering, Chittering, Bindoon and Mooliabeenee with the correct approvals.

If a business is known / found out to be operating without the correct approvals and is not actually based and / or registered in the Shire of Chittering they will be ineligible to have a listing in the business directory.

Requesting a listing

You can request a business listing on Chittering Local Business Directory website anytime at zero cost.

The Shire of Chittering can assist with creating a listing if help is required and they are notified.

Approval of your listing

The Shire of Chittering will receive a request for approval once a listing request has been submitted where they have the discretion to accept or decline a listing based on how a business fits the eligibility criteria:

  • Whether the business is based in the Shire of Chittering or not
  • Whether the business is registered in the Shire of Chittering or not
  • Whether the business is known to be operating with the correct approval or not

Under the Shire of Chittering’s discretion featured businesses will be displayed on the home page of Chittering Locals website for one month, with discussion of the business for their permission.

Other business details may be requested at this time to display in the feature.

Businesses are allowed to get in touch with the Shire of Chittering if they are interested in being a featured business for a month, once a business gets in touch they will go onto our waitlist to be featured.

Business Types

At the time of requesting a listing, businesses are asked to select their ‘business type’. If your business type is not listed you will be given the option to get in touch with the Shire of Chittering.

The Shire of Chittering from then on have the discretion to decide if your business type fits a current type listed on the business directory, or if a new business type should be created.

Updating your listing

The Shire of Chittering is not responsible for keeping up to date users listing on the business directory, it is the responsibility of the user to keep this information up to date.

The Shire of Chittering can assist with updating listings if help is required and they are notified.

Incorrect / offensive information

The Shire of Chittering is not responsible for the display of incorrect or offensive description / business details on Chittering Local.

The responsibility of the listing rests with the user who submitted it.