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Search Chittering Local

The Shire of Chittering’s own listing site where you can find businesses & restaurants in Bindoon, Chittering, Lower Chittering, Mooliabeenee, Muchea & Wannamal.

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Featured Listings

Based in Bindoon

First Step Podiatry

Podiatry - Private practice all ages, all foot and ankle problems.
Based in Bindoon

The Food Files

Handcrafted Specialty Meats
Based in Bindoon

Rusty's Electrical

All electrical services and trenching

Our Latest Listings

Want to add your business to Chittering Local? 

Based in Chittering
Based in Lower Chittering
Custom and pre-made sauna builder and accessories retailer
Based in Lower Chittering
Business Process Mapping & Business Systemising
Based in Chittering
Smoked Meats for weddings, corporate functions, shows. mobile catering.

Why is Chittering Local Free?

The Shire of Chittering has developed ‘Chittering Local’ to become the primary source connecting local businesses with customers.

Chittering Local benefits both because customers can easily find someone nearby to help with their needs, local businesses receive more exposure and the local economy grows by being more self-sufficient.

Matthew Gilfellon

Chief Executive Officer Shire of Chittering

1. Create Free Account

Local businesses can create a free account and post 1 free listing. It's easy - just click on the 'Get Started' button.

3. Watch Your Listing Go Live

To keep the website free of spammy listings, your listing will be reviewed and promptly published. You will be notified by email when your listing is live. This normally happens within 12 hours.

2. Submit Your Listing

Once you create a free account, you'll be able to log in and submit your first listing together with images, a video if you have one and your contact details.

4. Manage Your Listing

As a member, you are able to edit all your listings and add more from within your profile page. Clients will be able to contact you directly from your listing page.

View Our Listings

Below are more of our latest listings

Based in Chittering
Based in Lower Chittering
Custom and pre-made sauna builder and accessories retailer
Based in Lower Chittering
Business Process Mapping & Business Systemising
Based in Chittering
Smoked Meats for weddings, corporate functions, shows. mobile catering.
Based in Bindoon
Premium sauna builders with delivery across Australia
Based in Bindoon
Based in Chittering
Based in Lower Chittering
We are a local family owned small business specializing in high pressure surface cleaning.
Based in Lower Chittering
Based in Bindoon
Agriculture Engineering Services
Based in Chittering
Design, supply and installation of sheds, workshops and garages, for residential, industrial and farming purposes

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